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Las Mayas on the streets of Madrid, Spain

A 'Maya' girl sits on an altar during the traditional celebration of 'Las Mayas' on the streets in Colmenar Viejo, near Madrid, Spain, on May 2, 2015. The festivity of the Maya comes from pagan rites and dates from the medieval age, appearing in ancient documents. It takes place every year in the beginning of May and celebrates the beginning of the spring.

The Village

January 3, 2015 - The Village Photograph by Gabor Dvornik, National Geographic Your Shot “This little lake is a part of my life,” writes Your Shot member Gabor Dvornik, who lives half a mile from its location on a natural reserve in SzÅ'dliget, Hungary. “I shoot here nearly every month, sometimes every week.

Water inside bamboo

Solstice Sky

Tyrrhenian Sea and Solstice Sky Image Credit & Copyright: Danilo Pivato Explanation: Today the solstice occurs at 23:03 Universal Time, the Sun reaching its southernmost declination in planet Earth's sky. Of course, the December solstice marks the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the south. When viewed from northern latitudes, and as shown in the above horizontally compressed image, the Sun will make its lowest arc through the sky along the southern horizon. So in the north, the solstice day has the shortest length of time between sunrise and sunset and fewest hours of daylight. This striking composite image follows the Sun's path through the December solstice day of 2005 in a beautiful blue sky, looking down the Tyrrhenian Sea coast from Santa Severa toward Fiumicino, Italy. The view covers about 115 degrees in 43 separate, well-planned exposures from sunri

Barack Obama - 1960s

Barack Obama (pictured in the 1960s)


Coco Bird House